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RS-70 R453A safe and sufficient replacement for R22

Discussion in 'المنتدى التعليمي' started by mannan, 28/4/18.

  1. mannan

    mannan Administrator Staff Member



    الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

    RS-70 R453A safe and sufficient replacement for R22


    Type HFC blend HCFC
    R-134a 53.8%
    R-125 20%
    R-32 20%
    R-227ea 5%
    R-601A 0.6%
    R-600 0.6%
    replacement R22 no oil change and accepts top up
    Temperature glide Approximately 4oC
    Drop-in or long term Both
    Lubricant MO/AB/POE
    ODP Zero
    Atmospheric lifetime 16 years
    GWP 10 year ITH 1765
    500 year ITH 545


    Molecular weight 86.5
    Boiling point (1 atm) oC -40.8 0F -41.4
    Temperature glide oC 0
    Critical temperature oC 96.1 oF 204.8
    Critical pressure bara 49.9 psia 724
    Liquid density at 25oC kg/m3 1191
    Density of saturated vapour at 25oC kg/m3 44.2
    Heat capacity of liquid at 25oC kJ/kgoC 1.26
    Ratio of gas heat capacities (cp/cv, k) 1.185
    Vapour pressure at 25oC bara 10.4 psia 151
    Latent heat of vaporisation at boiling point kJ/kg 234
    Ozone Depletion Potential ODP 0.6
    Flammability limit in air (1 atm) vol% None None
    Inhalation exposure (8 hr day & 40 hr week) ppm 1000


    Molecular weight 88.8
    Boiling point (1 atm) oC -42.2 0F -44.0
    Temperature glide oC 4.2
    Critical temperature oC 87.9 oF 190.3
    Critical pressure bara 45.3 psia 656
    Liquid density at 25oC kg/m3 1136
    Density of saturated vapour at 25oC kg/m3 41.7
    Heat capacity of liquid at 25oC kJ/kgoC 1.52
    Ratio of gas heat capacities (cp/cv, k) 1.137
    Vapour pressure at 25oC bara 11.2 psia 163
    Latent heat of vaporisation at boiling point kJ/kg 243
    Ozone Depletion Potential ODP 0
    Flammability limit in air (1 atm) vol% None
    Inhalation exposure (8 hr day & 40 hr week) ppm 1000

    في أمان الله



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